Fill in with your self

Sarika Panwar
Nov 15, 2023


10 metre walk, Day 62/108

I did the right thing.

Thats brave.

Its making me uncomfortable.

Its Okay.

I dint know how to react to the situation back then.

Its Okay.

I regret doing what I did.

Use it to learn.

I held too loose.

Its Okay.

I held too tight.

Its Okay. Next time breathe.

I dont understand.

Its Okay.

I hide behind many things.

Know that your safe place is you.

I am scared.

I am hugging you right now.

I am so aggressive.

Go punch a pillow.

I am beautiful.

Its beautiful.

I am crazy.

So be it.

I am powerful.

Own it.

I am super amazing.

Thats the way to be.

Unknown Artist



Sarika Panwar

Currently writing "10 Metre Walk" Series for 108 days. A project about articulating experience of experiencing seeing and watching a "10 Metre Walk" everyday.