Mirroring Consciousness

Sarika Panwar
2 min readNov 12, 2023


10 metre walk, Day 59/108

In the wilderness of the cosmos I step out with a saturated mind and irritated body. I am going out to get some fresh air and feel relaxed.

First thought, Where do I go? Second thought, To my little doggos.

To meet them is scheduled a little later with my friend. But I am down, and I feel, playing with them will calm me down.

So I go to them, They are inside the enclosure we made for them for their safety from the road. I pick them one by one. The third and the last one is not able to stand on his feet and reach out for me to get hold of him.

He is the who was run over and ever since we have been taking care of him. He had recovered very fast, but I am thinking what happened to him.

So I try harder to go towards him by bending even more. And I get hold of his hands and pick him up.

All the three are out, and playing. One of them is a female and the other two are male. Both the brothers suddenly started to fight and bite each other at the lower back near the tail very badly.

I realised they both might have been fighting therefore the already injured one is bearing pain of the fight with his brother.

I cant see him getting more injured therefore I try to stop them. I extend my hand inside and when it comes out of their fight, My thumb is bit by one of them.

The moment I see the blood oozing out my hand, I start to loose consciousness and feel dizzy.

All the people around me, are looking at me. Concerned, and full of suggestions. Somebody pulls out chuna (Calcium Oxide) and spread it over my wound.

I walk back to my building next to this building and find my friend ready to take me to any clinic opened near me.

Eventually, I laugh at it, I cry at it, feel sad about it, Amazed by it, and more over neutralised by it.



Sarika Panwar

Currently writing "10 Metre Walk" Series for 108 days. A project about articulating experience of experiencing seeing and watching a "10 Metre Walk" everyday.