Ready for the day?

Sarika Panwar
Jan 27, 2024


10 Metre Walk, 67/108

Pick your thoughts..

When you are conscious enough to open your eyes in the morning.

Set an intention for the day..

When your eyes are open, and you make the first move.

Let awareness guide the intention..

When many thoughts of yesterdays and todays runs down flushing your mind.

Deep in your heart decide to live..

For it is a new day for endless opportunities.

Wear hope with every breath..

As it will touch your every layer.

Hear your own voice..

When many will come & go leaving you with their show.

Every other day..

Script your own monologue, as there are many to overtake your part.

Repeat, no matter what..

Because voices will never go deaf in your heart.




Sarika Panwar

Currently writing "10 Metre Walk" Series for 108 days. A project about articulating experience of experiencing seeing and watching a "10 Metre Walk" everyday.